Foxconn Excludes Married Women from Jobs at Apple iPhone Plant In India, Raising Ethical Concerns

Foxconn Excludes Married Women from Jobs at Apple iPhone Plant In India, Raising Ethical Concerns

In March 2023, sisters Parvathi and Janaki, both in their 20s, visited a Foxconn-run plant in southern India after reading job postings on WhatsApp. Upon arrival, a security guard at the main gate turned them away after asking, “Are you married?” During an interview in her local shanty town, Parvathi explained, “We didn’t get the … Read more

‘Real Suffering and Poverty Is Not An Exhibit to Enjoy’: Tourist Slammed For ‘Enjoying’ Mumbai Slum Tours

‘Real Suffering and Poverty Is Not An Exhibit to Enjoy’: Tourist Slammed For ‘Enjoying’ Mumbai Slum Tours

“Voluntourism,” which describes Westerners who travel to developing countries to participate in projects like visiting orphanages and building schools, has been heavily criticised for years. Critics say that voluntourism capitalises on the Westerner’s quest for saviordom as it treats low-income communities as a touristic attraction and relies on poverty as a visible spectacle. However, Workaway, … Read more

A Spark of Bravery: How Indian Women Ended a Serial Rapist’s Reign of Terror

A Spark of Bravery: How Indian Women Ended a Serial Rapist’s Reign of Terror

In August 2004, a group of 200 to 400 women stabbed a man to death in a prestigious courthouse in Nagour, India. The women were residents of the Kasturba Nagar slum, located on the edge of the Maharashtra district of central India. On August 13, 2004, eyewitnesses watched the organised killing of 32-year-old gangster, Akku … Read more