Ottawa may ‘rein in’ temporary resident numbers as housing concerns intensify, minister says

Immigration Minister Marc Miller says he’ll be scrutinizing the number of international students and other non-permanent residents coming into Canada, as political tension builds around the interplay between housing affordability and immigration. In an interview airing Sunday on Rosemary Barton Live, Miller said the relationship between housing and immigration is complex, and it was discussed around … Read more

Facing “Life-Threatening” Winter Storm, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker Excoriates Texas for Migrant Busing

Illinois Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an unusually blunt letter Friday to his Texas counterpart, Republican Governor Greg Abbott, asking him to halt the transport of asylum seekers to Illinois, as the state — and much of the US — is encased in an Arctic blast resulting in subzero temperatures. “I plead with you for … Read more

Four migrants die trying to cross English Channel – POLITICO

PARIS — Four migrants died in French waters overnight on Saturday as they tried to reach a small boat setting off from the beach in the northern French town of Wimereux. Dozens were also rescued in the freezing waters by French rescue teams, according to local French media reports. One migrant was in critical condition … Read more

The faded seaside town in Europe given £750m facelift | Travel News | Travel

Throughout the years, Calais has gained a reputation as a seedy haven for booze-loving cruise passengers.  Its image was not helped by the ‘Calais Jungle’ migrant camp constructed in 2015, which became the source of significant political tension.  Needless to say, the port city was neither top of travel agents’ recommendations, nor tourists’ bucket lists.  … Read more

Greg Abbott Says the Only Thing Stopping Texas From Shooting Migrants Is the Headache of Potential Murder Charges

As governor of Texas, Greg Abbott has a horrific record when it comes to immigration, from sending more than 100 migrants to a freezing-cold DC on Christmas Eve to a “hold-the-line” operation on the border that could lead to more drownings. Yet he’d like credit for one thing, and that’s the fact that he hasn’t given … Read more

Canadian customs officers could soon be based in the U.S. for the first time

Canadian customs officers could soon be posted to U.S. border posts on American soil for the first time in history, and American officers could be assigned to work from border posts in Canada, CBC News has learned. “It’s a fundamental shift,” said Mark Weber, president of the union that represents Canadian border officers. “You’re working … Read more

Progressive Democrat has ‘serious concerns’ about Biden’s ‘heavy-handed’ border policies

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said she has “serious concerns” about President Biden’s border policies during a House committee hearing on Thursday. “There is so much fear-mongering going on that it is difficult to know exactly where to start. But let me say this first, the Biden administration is enforcing immigration laws. In fact, the administration … Read more

Macron picks EU liberal leader as new foreign minister in cabinet reshuffle – POLITICO

PARIS — Emmanuel Macron picked Renew Europe Group President Stéphane Séjourné as France’s new foreign minister, the French presidency announced Thursday, in a widely expected government reshuffle. Séjourné’s appointment is likely to have big repercussions for European centrists ahead of the European election in June. The 38-year-old is a key operator in the Macron galaxy, … Read more

Macron goes all in with high-stakes reshuffle to combat far right – POLITICO

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. PARIS  — French President Emmanuel Macron has propelled rising star Gabriel Attal center stage in a high-risk gamble aimed at stopping the far right’s surge ahead of the European election.   In a surprise move on Tuesday, Macron appointed his former education minister and one … Read more

7 tripwires for Rishi Sunak as 2024 fires up – POLITICO

Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. LONDON — Rishi Sunak will need to watch his step this year. The U.K. prime minister faces a succession of tripwires that will make his second (and potentially last) full year in the job the toughest yet. With MPs returning to parliament Monday and … Read more