How to keep lettuce fresh and mould free for 7 days longer with simple storage method

How to keep lettuce fresh and mould free for 7 days longer with simple storage method

There is nothing better than a fresh salad or some crispy lettuce on top of a burger, but it can be frustrating if your leafy greens become mouldy after only a few days of buying them.  It may seem obvious to simply place salad leaves in the fridge but lettuce has a high water content, … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh and crispy longer with expert’s ‘correct’ storage tip

How to keep lettuce fresh and crispy longer with expert’s ‘correct’ storage tip

Food storage hacks are not just brilliant for saving a few quid, but they’re also key in slashing food waste. A staggering 7.1 million Britons are reportedly bungling up their food storage, leading to an eye-watering 281,000 tonnes of fruit and veg being chucked out annually. When it comes to keeping your lettuce fresh, there’s … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh: Simple storage hack stops lettuce wilting for 10 days longer

How to keep lettuce fresh: Simple storage hack stops lettuce wilting for 10 days longer

There is nothing better than crispy fresh lettuce in a salad or on top of a burger, but this leafy green is infamous for turning brown, soggy and wilted only days after being bought. Lettuce often spoils quickly as it has a very high water content, which means it can attract microorganisms such as bacteria … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh for two weeks or more with this ‘simple and easy’ storage hack

How to keep lettuce fresh for two weeks or more with this ‘simple and easy’ storage hack

Lettuce is a staple ingredient in the summer when more people will be making salads and burgers, but this leafy green is infamous for spoiling quickly just after being bought. One of the biggest reasons lettuce leaves begin going soggy, wilting or even turning brown is that have a high water content which can attract … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh for three weeks with food clever storage hack that ‘100% works’

How to keep lettuce fresh for three weeks with food clever storage hack that ‘100% works’

Storing lettuce properly is something that many households struggle with as the vegetable can decay quickly – often turning soggy and gathering nasty odours. For anyone wanting to keep an iceberg lettuce head, romaine lettuce or a bag of salad fresh and crispy, there is a method that “100 percent works”. Mike from Kitchen Tips … Read more

The exact spot to store lettuce to keep it fresh for longer

The exact spot to store lettuce to keep it fresh for longer

The UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year, a figure which has the potential to feed roughly 30 million people a year, according to The Eco Experts. One major reason Britons end up wasting food is that it goes off before they have a chance to eat it. But one … Read more

How to keep lettuce fresh for 21 days with cook’s genius storage hack

How to keep lettuce fresh for 21 days with cook’s genius storage hack

Sometimes it seems like salads made in restaurants are just so much better than the ones made at home. But if you have tried your best to recreate your favourite salad order and find that your own is still falling short, it might be because of limp or bruised lettuce. To have deliciously crisp, cold … Read more

‘Miracle’ lettuce storage tip keeps it fresh for 2 weeks

‘Miracle’ lettuce storage tip keeps it fresh for 2 weeks

Lettuce is hard to buy in bulk when following a healthy diet as it tends to wilt away in a matter of days. When the bright green, crisp leaves wilt away, it’s hard to find a reason to incorporate it into a meal. That said, lettuce can be stored in a way that keeps it … Read more

Lettuce will keep fresh for one week longer with this ‘easy’ five minute storage method

Lettuce will keep fresh for one week longer with this ‘easy’ five minute storage method

It may seem like common sense to store lettuce and other leafy greens in the fridge after being bought, but there is a simple way to keep salads fresher for much longer  Kristin Marr, a cooking expert and founder of Live Simply, has explained that lettuce is one of the most “notorious” vegetables for spoiling … Read more

Lettuce keeps fresher for longer in the fridge with tip that ‘works great’

Lettuce keeps fresher for longer in the fridge with tip that ‘works great’

Keeping certain ingredients fresh in the fridge doesn’t seem to last long and the last thing you want to do is throw them away. Especially when it comes to spinach, fish and in particular lettuce. One person posted on the online forum Reddit to ask the question: “How to keep lettuce fresh in the refrigerator?” … Read more