How to keep potatoes fresh longer without sprouting – 1 kitchen area to store them

How to keep potatoes fresh longer without sprouting – 1 kitchen area to store them

Potatoes, a staple in many kitchens and particularly popular during this time of year for creating warming stews and other comforting dishes, are at the heart of a handy money-saving tip. One simple way to cut costs during autumn is by learning how to store food correctly. Potatoes, for instance, can last over three months … Read more

How to keep potatoes fresh longer than six months without sprouting or turning green

How to keep potatoes fresh longer than six months without sprouting or turning green

Food storage hacks are handy when it comes to potatoes or they will end up sprouting, wrinkling, softening, or even turning an odd green hue faster. This beloved veggie is typically purchased from the non-refrigerated section of supermarkets and many tend to store them in cupboards or other cool dark places once they get them … Read more