Tomatoes won’t ‘over-ripen or spoil’ with handy storage method

Tomatoes have a limited time to be consumed and yet few people consider how to make them last longer. The red fruits, particularly those purchased loose off the vine, tend to turn watery and tasteless when they pass their peak. Luckily the delicious sweet juice and crunchy skin are easy to preserve for longer with … Read more

Prevent tomatoes from going mouldy using one-second trick

A TikToker revealed the best way to store them so they’re not bland. She said: “If you’re storing your tomatoes in the fridge, you’re making a big mistake. “The cold actually kills the flavour and freshness by creating enzymes that rupture the cells, making the tomato super pasty when you take it out.” Read original … Read more

Best place to store tomatoes to keep them fresh – stop them rotting or going mouldy

Whether you are making a bowl of creamy tomato soup or biting into a tasty BLT sandwich, tomatoes are an essential ingredient in most kitchens. However, it has often been debated whether tomatoes should be stored in either the fridge like most vegetables or kept on a countertop like fruit, but it turns out the … Read more