The Ultimate Compact and Multifunctional Inflation Device for Summer Activities

NEW YORK, June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — As the summer holiday approaches and families plan their outdoor adventures, the Air Pump Master is here to solve the common issue of inflating various equipment. Whether you’re driving to the beach, setting up a camp by the river, cycling, playing beach ball games, stand-up paddling, kayaking, or … Read more

A Next-Generation Air Pump Featuring Dual Pump Cores and Smart Automation System

NEW YORK, June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Traditional pumps tend to be bulky, inefficient, and limited in function, often needing multiple devices for various tasks. This leads to more manual work, time consumption, and difficulty achieving precise pressure levels. Recently, the HOTO Air Pump Master addresses these issues, combining all inflation functions into a compact, … Read more