TUI launches flight-only deals with return fares to Spain, Turkey & Florida from £100

ALTHOUGH the holiday company is especially popular for its holiday packages, TUI also has plenty of flight-only deals up for grabs. Flying to more than 80 destinations from 23 UK airports, we’ve rounded up some of the best deals and tricks to always find the cheapest prices. 2 TUI has also launched a new sale … Read more

Five easy ways I get a free family holiday when cash is tight – and anyone can do it

WITH Christmas a dim and distant memory and the cost of living sohigh, it can be tough to come up with the cash for a much-needed break over half-term or beyond. But if you think outside the box, you can find ways to have a staycation for free, even if it’s not quite on a … Read more

The two items that ‘always leak’ when packing a suitcase – and how to avoid it

A TRAVEL expert revealed an easy trick to avoid two items from “always leaking” in your suitcase. Knowing how to pack your essentials can save you time and stress when travelling. 2 There are two products that can easily leak and ruin your clothes if not properly sealedCredit: Getty 2 A packing whizz recommended packing … Read more

Urgent warning to Scots holidaymakers still using a red passport

AN URGENT warning has been issued to all Scots holidaymakers who still have a red passport. Anyone preparing to jet off abroad with a red British passport has been urged to carry out some vital checks. 1 Anyone with a red passport has been urged to check it’s validityCredit: Getty Scots planning to travel abroad need … Read more

Tiny £7 travel item to avoid airport embarrassment – and cut the risk of missing your flight

A TINY £7 travel item will save you from embarrassment at the airport – and cut the risk of missing your flight. If your suitcase is over the weight limit, you may have to open it in front of other passengers to get rid of heavy items. 1 A portable luggage scale could save you … Read more

You’re more likely to get a hotel upgrade on a Friday – depending on where you book

A TRAVEL expert has revealed the best location to book a hotel for the weekend if you’re hoping to get a snazzy room upgrade. Mark Johnson, founder of hotel search engine brand H18YC, may just be about to save you easy money with one little known hack – and it makes perfect sense. 2 A … Read more

I’ve been travelling for 50 years – how to avoid six sneaky holiday scams

A MAN who has been to more than 170 countries has revealed some sneaky holiday scams tourists should be aware of. Tony Wheeler first started travelling back in 1972 with his partner Maureen Wheeler. 1 A travel expert has spelled out six scams holidaymakers should be wary ofCredit: Getty The duo then created the travel … Read more

I’m an airline expect – the only way you can get a free drink on a flight

AN AIRLINE expert has revealed the only way you can get a free drink during a flight. For many passengers, air travel can become a daunting experience caused by limited legroom to unpredictable delays. 1 Passengers can get free drinks on boardCredit: Getty But there’s one thing that can take the boredom away from flying … Read more

Woman tries sneaky hack for getting extra hand luggage on to her plane without paying – and gets away with it

A FREQUENT flyer has raved about a simple item that they claim makes going through the airport much simpler. It’s easy to get flustered when passing through airport security, particularly when taking items in and out of a carefully packed bag ready for the scanners. 2 A travel influence stored more clothes in a make-do pillow … Read more

The pre-flight request you should always make if you’re a nervous flyer

A PILOT has revealed the pre-flight request you should always make if you’re a nervous flyer. For some, the thought of boarding an airplane can cause anxiety caused by safety concerns and flying nightmares. 1 Nervous flyers can struggle with anxiety and safety concernsCredit: Getty They can often find themselves grappling with a sense of … Read more