Chilling rise of UK chemical attacks including Clapham horror and ‘mystery substance’ thrown over woman at pub

Chilling rise of UK chemical attacks including Clapham horror and ‘mystery substance’ thrown over woman at pub

THERE has been a shocking rise in chemical attacks across the UK – with the highest number on record seeing more than 700 in one year alone. The startling stats have come to light just days after a woman was left “burning” and blistered when a mystery substance was thrown over her at a pub … Read more

The most congested county where drivers face traffic misery | Travel News | Travel

The most congested county where drivers face traffic misery | Travel News | Travel

Morning rush hour is a miserable time for most of us, but drivers in this county face this difficulty on a different scale. Awarded the dubious honour of “most congested county”, Hampshire is in desperate need of improvements. has crunched the numbers and analysed public data on traffic congestion throughout 2022 and produced a list … Read more