Saudi Arabia bans pregnant women, sick pilgrims from performing Haj 2025

Saudi Arabia bans pregnant women, sick pilgrims from performing Haj 2025

A woman pilgrim prays in front of Mount Arafat during the climax of the Haj pilgrimage. Photo: AFP In a bid to ensure pilgrims’ safety and wellbeing, the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has issued strict health restrictions for those undertaking the Haj pilgrimage in 2025. According to a health advisory issued recently by the … Read more

Umrah packages 25% cheaper during summer

Umrah packages 25% cheaper during summer

Following the conclusion of the annual Haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia this year, travel agencies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that Umrah packages are currently being offered at discount rates. Tickets are being offered for nearly a 25 percent cheaper rate than those available during the cooler months. This price drop is attributed … Read more