How to Build a Skin-Care Routine for Your Tween

Within those buckets, preteens can experiment with textures such as gels, creams, and lotions. “When you get into trouble is when you start incorporating things like an oil and emollients that are thick and heavy like an ointment, because if you do have acne, then you’re going to have issues,” says Corey L. Hartman, MD, … Read more

So Your Tween Wants to Use Beauty Products—Here’s Where to Start

The challenge for parents is to decipher if their child is truly interested in a product for its efficacy and value to their skin or simply because of its popularity. “You need to ask your child ‘what are you trying to address with that product?’ You do not need four moisturizers, five cleansers, and three … Read more

Tween Beauty Influencer Evelyn Has A Lot to Say

The clip didn’t take off. “I didn’t really get a lot of views,” says Evelyn. “But I guess that was owed to me being very camera-shy and awkward.” Inspired by her influencer “idols” like Katie Fang, she kept at it. A couple months after Evelyn posted her first video, a conversation with a friend about … Read more