Spa, seaside and a secret missile test range. Welcome to Priozersk, in Kazakhstan

Spa, seaside and a secret missile test range. Welcome to Priozersk, in Kazakhstan

“I want there to be a beautiful hotel in the centre of the city, like in the Soviet era. So I am restoring it, little by little,” says Vereshchagin, a Soviet Army veteran. Alexei Vereshchagin is renovating an abandoned hotel, formerly known as Hotel Russia, in Priozersk. Photo: AFP Once the hotel is renovated, tourists … Read more

The events of Ebrahim Raisi’s life before his fatal helicopter crash

The events of Ebrahim Raisi’s life before his fatal helicopter crash

Having learned of a local farmers’ revolt in Massachusetts, Thomas Jefferson jotted one of the most memorable statements about revolution: “The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” wrote the future president. Written in Paris in 1787, Jefferson’s insight soon proved prophetic when the … Read more