Pope defends Vatican guidance on same-sex couples

By Ryan Foley, Christian Post Reporter Friday, January 26, 2024 Pope Francis addresses pilgrims during his weekly general audience at Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on Oct. 26, 2022. | VINCENZO PINTO/AFP via Getty Images Pope Francis is seeking to clarify that the Catholic Church is not changing its teachings about homosexual practices and … Read more

Vatican issues 5-page clarification regarding same-sex blessings

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter Saturday, January 06, 2024 Pope Francis addresses pilgrims during his weekly general audience at Saint Peter’s Square in the Vatican on Oct. 26, 2022. | VINCENZO PINTO/AFP via Getty Images The Vatican’s doctrinal office issued a five-page statement Thursday clarifying last month’s controversial “Fiducia Supplicans” guidance, which led to … Read more