Would Colorado’s mountain lion population grow if hunting is banned?

Would Colorado’s mountain lion population grow if hunting is banned?

For decades, licensed hunters have killed hundreds of Colorado mountain lions every year to control the state’s population of the elusive feline. Voters in November will decide whether to ban the practice, along with the trapping of bobcats. That prospect has set off a deluge of competing claims about what will happen if big-cat hunting … Read more

Rocky Mountain National Park hikes: Glacier Creek Trail

Rocky Mountain National Park hikes: Glacier Creek Trail

In 1908, Abner and Mary Alberta “Bert” Sprague built a summer cabin in Glacier Basin. By 1910, they were living in it full time, operating it as a lodge that sat in what is now the Sprague Lake parking lot. Because of their love for the area and their impact on Glacier Basin – to … Read more