Dutch government announces ‘strictest asylum policy ever’ – POLITICO

Dutch government announces ‘strictest asylum policy ever’ – POLITICO

“I’m aiming for the strictest asylum policy ever,” Faber said in a video message, citing bottlenecks in housing, health care and education as reasons to do so. The plan, she said, is to “legally declare an asylum crisis, which will allow me to take measures to combat [it].” Such an emergency law would allow the … Read more

How Geert Wilders turned all corners of Dutch society into far right voters – POLITICO

How Geert Wilders turned all corners of Dutch society into far right voters – POLITICO

Radical right-wing voters are all too often cast as old, white men, said De Voogd. “In part, that’s shifting; and in part, that image has never been true,” he said. According to the researcher, far-right voters typically fall into three broad categories: There are conservative voters, who previously backed Christian parties or the liberals. Then … Read more