Verdict watch continues in case of Canton murder or conspiracy

The verdict watch continues in the murder trial of Karen Read, the Mansfield woman accused of running her boyfriend John O’Keefe down with her SUV during a Canton snowstorm and leaving him to freeze in a front yard. Jurors have sat for a total of 30 days of trial, including Monday’s closing arguments, in Norfolk … Read more

What to expect today in the Karen Read trial

Jurors in the Karen Read murder trial playing out in a Dedham court are likely to deliberate her fate early this week. Defense attorneys David Yannetti and Alan Jackson told the Herald they expect to finish with their witnesses Monday, with closing arguments from both sides expected Tuesday. Read’s defense called three witnesses on Friday … Read more

Potential Karen Read jurors pack Norfolk Superior Court for murder trial selection

Nearly 100 potential jurors arrived at Norfolk Superior Court this morning for the first date of the murder trial of Mansfield’s Karen Read. Ahead of the arrival of the potential jurors, Judge Beverly Cannone issued her ruling on the most contentious pretrial issue: whether the defense could use the third-party killer theory they have argued … Read more