Coffee drinkers less at risk of head and neck cancers, new research suggests

Coffee drinkers less at risk of head and neck cancers, new research suggests

For most who drink it, coffee is consumed as a stimulant or as part of socialising – morning jolts to open bleary eyes or sipped around tables during conversations with family and friends. But coffee could have other benefits, going by analysis published in the journal Cancer, from the American Cancer Society, in which researchers … Read more

I changed a viral coffee recipe and added one ingredient to create a delicious dessert

I changed a viral coffee recipe and added one ingredient to create a delicious dessert

I’m somewhere in the middle, as I only enjoy them if they are made with good quality coffee – none of that artificial flavouring most mass-produced products tend to include. So, I decided to try putting my own spin on one of my favourite online viral recipes, the famous dalgona coffee, which had everyone fervently … Read more

Why decaf coffee is no longer getting roasted as being ‘inferior’ to regular brews

Why decaf coffee is no longer getting roasted as being ‘inferior’ to regular brews

It was caffeine-free. With alcohol-free cocktails and meat-free hamburgers all the rage, decaf does not seem such a strange proposition. Photo: Shutterstock “It completely opened my eyes to decaf,” Zhang recalls. He decided to use the beans, a basic typica variety from Finca Los Nogales in Colombia, in his coming appearance in Rancho Cucamonga at … Read more