Nigella Lawson’s recipe for ‘perfect’ roast potatoes uses one ‘major aid’

Nigella Lawson’s recipe for ‘perfect’ roast potatoes uses one ‘major aid’

Few things are better than when roast potatoes have an irresistible crunch on the skin but it’s something many people just can’t get right. Chef Nigella Lawson agreed, claiming: “It’s impossible to cook roast potatoes without needing them to be perfect, which to me means sweet and soft inside and a golden-brown carapace of crunch … Read more

Chef’s tip for glass-like roast potato ‘perfection’ is to cook ahead

Chef’s tip for glass-like roast potato ‘perfection’ is to cook ahead

Many people cook the spuds on the day they plan to tuck into a roast dinner, or in December, a Christmas feast. Spitting-hot oil and goose fat tend to be the ingredients that are relied upon the most to make the skins perfectly crispy, but one chef has claimed that it comes down to something … Read more

Gordon Ramsay’s ‘golden’ roast potatoes use one unique ingredient

Gordon Ramsay’s ‘golden’ roast potatoes use one unique ingredient

Roast potatoes are a staple in every British chef’s repertoire, and Gordon Ramsay knows a thing or two about achieving that perfect blend of crunch and fluffiness. While many recipes call for the addition of flour, baking soda or salt for extra crispy skin, Gordon uses something a little different. His perfect roasties are made … Read more