Naturalised citizens in South Africa are being discriminated against

Naturalised citizens in South Africa are being discriminated against

As someone born in Mzansi, you probably have no idea that naturalised citizens in South Africa are being discriminated against every day. Truthfully, we didn’t know the full extent of this problem either. That’s until our comments section and WhatsApp number blew up with messages from naturalised citizens in South Africa. In the wake of … Read more

France to remove right to citizenship by birth in Indian Ocean island

France to remove right to citizenship by birth in Indian Ocean island

France intends to slow migration from the Comoros Islands by removing the right to French citizenship by birth in its overseas territory Mayotte. FRENCH OVERSEAS TERRITORY Last month France’s Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, visited Mayotte to announce changes to citizenship entitlements. Mayotte is a French territory, situated in the Indian Ocean. It comprises … Read more