How to use wooden cooking utensils to protect you and them

How to use wooden cooking utensils to protect you and them

Wooden kitchen utensils are robust, visually appealing, durable and practical, but need to be cleaned properly to prevent potential health hazards. Although wooden boards are gentler on kitchen knives than plastic, every cut nicks the surface, meaning germs can multiply, so pay attention to hygiene when using them, says Germany’s Federal Centre for Nutrition (BZfE). … Read more

Signs you should throw away your chopping board, according to expert

Signs you should throw away your chopping board, according to expert

As we’ve all just spent hours in our kitchens for the past few weeks, the last thing we want to think about is cooking, or having to replace things in the kitchen. But did you know that it can actually be dangerous to keep certain items as they get more used? A food expert named … Read more