Drinking this many cups of hot drink daily could increase cholesterol levels

Drinking this many cups of hot drink daily could increase cholesterol levels

Downing multiple cups of your favourite hot beverage could ramp up cholesterol levels, according to new studies. Prior research had thrown up red flags hinting that natural coffee chemicals might be linked to heightened blood cholesterol—a precursor to heart issues and strokes. Fresh research in recent years has unveiled that not just the type of … Read more

NHS tells Brits to “eat less” of these foods due to cholesterol risks

NHS tells Brits to “eat less” of these foods due to cholesterol risks

Living with high cholesterol means you have too much of a fatty substance known as cholesterol in your blood. Over time this can build up in the blood vessels causing blockages. For this reason having high cholesterol is a major risk factor for potentially fatal medical emergencies, such as strokes and heart attacks. There are … Read more