Study finds genetic basis for link between depression, heart disease

Study finds genetic basis for link between depression, heart disease

NEW DELHI: A group of genes could be common to both depression and heart disease, a finding that researchers said could explain why having one of them increases risk of developing the other.The “puzzling” link between the diseases has been known to exist since the 1990s, they said.Studies have found that people with depression run … Read more

Pregnancy Complications Can Have Long-Term Impact on Child’s Health: Study |

Pregnancy Complications Can Have Long-Term Impact on Child’s Health: Study |

LOS ANEGELES: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and gestational diabetes (GDM) are two of the most common pregnancy complications. Both raise the risk of cardiovascular disease in the future for pregnant individuals.A study suggested that pregnancy problems may result in poor cardiovascular health for the child.The findings were published in the American Journal of Obstetrics … Read more