Prevent mindless utilisation, promote mindful consumption: Bhupender Yadav

NEW DELHI: The need for citizens to cultivate an “environmental sense” is as important as anything that the government can do, said Bhupender Yadav, the minister for environment, forest and climate change. At the first India Climate Summit of the Times Network on Friday, Yadav pointed out carbon emission-intensive anthropocentric development, unsustainable consumption patterns, and … Read more

Siam seeks GST reduction on two-wheelers

Mumbai: Auto industry body, Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (Siam) has written to the government requesting for a reduction in the GST on two-wheelers. It has suggested that the government adopts three range slabs of reducing the rate-from the current 28% to 18% for internal combustion engine powered two wheelers, to 5% from the current … Read more

At least seven billion tonnes of CO2 to be removed yearly to hit climate target – Report

Around seven to nine billion tonnes of CO2 (Carbon dioxide) need to be removed from the atmosphere yearly for the world to meet the 1.5 oC Paris Agreement target, a study has shown. Paris Agreement is a treaty on climate change adopted by 196 countries during the Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on … Read more