Donald Trump Was Totally Not Being Serious When He Suggested He’s Going to Appoint Himself President for Life: Republicans

Donald Trump Was Totally Not Being Serious When He Suggested He’s Going to Appoint Himself President for Life: Republicans

What did Donald Trump mean when he told a crowd of supporters to “get out and vote, just this time,” and that in four years they won’t “have to vote again” because “we’ll have fixed it so good”? Given the ex-president’s affinity for dictators and authoritarianism in general, his vow to be a dictator on … Read more

Samuel Alito Didn’t Give a F–k Then and He Doesn’t Give a F–k Now

Samuel Alito Didn’t Give a F–k Then and He Doesn’t Give a F–k Now

As you’ve probably heard by now, for several days before Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021, an upside-down flag—which had become synonymous with election denialism and the “Stop the Steal” movement, and had been brandished by some of the people responsible for the Capitol attack earlier that month—flew outside the home of Supreme Court justice … Read more

“It Was Horrific”: A Situation Room Officer’s Harrowing Account of an American Insurrection

“It Was Horrific”: A Situation Room Officer’s Harrowing Account of an American Insurrection

The situation was “surreal,” said Stiegler. But he was wary of disclosing more. “I have to be careful,” he told me. “I have been giving a lot of testimony, and I don’t know where the lines quite are.” I ventured that one of his points of contact must have been the Secret Service. He paused, … Read more