Why is Nasa cancelling $450 million Moon rover mission

Why is Nasa cancelling 0 million Moon rover mission

Nasa on Wednesday cancelled its $450 million worth Moon rover mission called Viper (Volatiles investigating polar exploration rover) citing budgetary concerns. However, the agency is set to continue moon exploration. “NASA stated cost increases, delays to the launch date, and the risks of future cost growth as the reasons to stand down on the mission,” … Read more

Why is Nasa cancelling $450 million Moon rover mission

Why is Nasa cancelling 0 million Moon rover mission

Nasa on Wednesday cancelled its $450 million worth Moon rover mission called Viper (Volatiles investigating polar exploration rover) citing budgetary concerns. However, the agency is set to continue moon exploration. “NASA stated cost increases, delays to the launch date, and the risks of future cost growth as the reasons to stand down on the mission,” … Read more