Opinion | Why people love buffets and my secret dining strategy to avoid awkward conversations

Opinion | Why people love buffets and my secret dining strategy to avoid awkward conversations

People tend to either love or hate buffets. I belong firmly to the former camp, and always have. While I did draw the line at trays of lurid-orange sweet-and-sour pork glowing from London Chinatown buffets of the early noughties, my adoration for the humble buffet was cultivated from a young age. Growing up in Calgary, … Read more

Opinion | On European cruise, Southeast Asian dishes gave a break from the otherwise bland food

Opinion | On European cruise, Southeast Asian dishes gave a break from the otherwise bland food

I can now cross off a two-week cruise around Norway and Iceland from my bucket list. My recent summer holiday had everything the brochure promised, including spectacular landscapes and fantastic fiords. Less fulfilling, though, were its gastronomic pledges. With 3,000 other passengers on board, my gourmet food expectations were kept to a bare minimum. The … Read more