Keep bananas fresh for longer in 1 unexpected place in the kitchen

Keep bananas fresh for longer in 1 unexpected place in the kitchen

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to keep bananas fresher for longer, and it involves storing them in an unexpected location within your kitchen. While many people think bananas should always be kept at room temperature, storing them in the fridge can actually help prolong their freshness. The skin will naturally darken, but the banana inside … Read more

Keep bananas fresh and yellow for 15 days or longer with ‘special’ food storage method

Keep bananas fresh and yellow for 15 days or longer with ‘special’ food storage method

Bananas often feel like they ripen at lightning speed, but you can stop them from going spotty, mushy, and brown before their time if you know the correct way to store them. Mike, a cooking expert from Kitchen Tips Online, has shared there is a “special” food storage method to keep bananas yellow for much … Read more

Best way to keep bananas fresh for 10 days longer or more

Best way to keep bananas fresh for 10 days longer or more

Bananas are tasty yet notorious for going brown too quickly, and the reason may be that you are storing them in the wrong place. Research from Wrap, an environmental reduce waste organisation, states that British families throw away 1.4 million bananas each day at a cost of £80 million a year. The figures, which were … Read more