Publishers sue Florida over book ban law, saying it creates “a regime of strict censorship” in schools

Publishers sue Florida over book ban law, saying it creates “a regime of strict censorship” in schools

Orlando, Florida — On 16-year-old Jack Hayes’ bookshelf you’ll find books that may no longer be available in some Florida classrooms, such as the Kurt Vonnegut classic “Slaughterhouse-Five.”  His mother, Judi Hayes, said the 2023 Florida law restricting certain books in school libraries is hurting Jack’s ability to learn. “We’re not talking about Playboy magazine, … Read more

American Library Association says book ban challenges in 2023 broke new record

American Library Association says book ban challenges in 2023 broke new record

A record number of books were challenged in school and public libraries in 2023, according to the American Library Association (ALA).  The ALA announced Thursday that 2023 saw 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship, up 65 percent from the previous record in 2022 of 2,571 unique titles.  “The reports from librarians and educators in … Read more