Best place to store bananas to keep them fresh 5 days longer – won’t go spotty or brown

Bananas are often stored in a fruit bowl without a second thought, but it actually one of the worst places to keep them in your kitchen. Many fruits produce a growth hormone called ethylene gas which helps it ripen and become sweet but will cause fruit to spoil quickly if too much is stored together. … Read more

Bananas will keep fresh for two weeks longer by storing them in an unexpected place

Bananas often go mushy and discoloured only a few days after being bought, meaning they need to be eaten quickly to prevent them from going in the bin. However, there is a simple way to save money and cut down on food waste as it turns out most people are storing their bananas in the … Read more

Keep bananas yellow and ‘fresher’ for over 14 days: avoid placing them in a fruit bowl

Bananas are an important part of any shopping list, and there is nothing worse than buying fresh fruit only to discover it has quickly ripened and gone mushy. It may seem obvious to store bananas in a fruit bowl, but this may be what is causing them to spoil at a much faster rate as … Read more