Do away with BEE to grow South Africa, says ANC’s GNU partner

Do away with BEE to grow South Africa, says ANC’s GNU partner

Freedom Front Plus has called for the scrapping of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Affirmative Action (AA) policies, saying they are harmful and hinder economic growth.  The party said this during a debate in Parliament on measures to relieve the mounting financial pressure of living costs on households. SHOULD BEE AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION BE SCRAPPED?  … Read more

Auto emission norms to get stricter, make cars costlier

Auto emission norms to get stricter, make cars costlier

Automakers in India will need to cut carbon emissions by a third over the next three years or face stiff penalties under the third iteration of corporate average fuel efficiency norms (CAFE) drawn up by the bureau of energy efficiency (BEE). The latest step by India’s energy efficiency and conservation agency is likely to make … Read more