Trade your zucchini loaf for my jar of tomatoes? Why some Canadians are turning to bartering again

Trade your zucchini loaf for my jar of tomatoes? Why some Canadians are turning to bartering again

Cost of Living5:08Trade you a breadmaker for banana bread? When Samantha Fanning was expecting her second child, the room that would become the baby’s nursery needed a major glow-up. But as a professional photographer and at the time a single mother, Fanning didn’t have room in her schedule — or the painting skills required — to transform … Read more

What are whales saying to each other? Scientists are a step closer to finding out

What are whales saying to each other? Scientists are a step closer to finding out

The Current16:06Decoding the sperm whale’s alphabet Scientists have examined thousands of hours of sperm whale calls — bursts of clicks known as codas — and discovered a kind of phonetic alphabet that the animals use to communicate. “What we’ve done here is really sort of expand … the library of potential codas that these animals … Read more