Avocado shoppers must check 4 things when buying in supermarkets

Avocado shoppers must check 4 things when buying in supermarkets

Shoppers buying avocados in supermarkets are urged to make four key checks before making a purchase. The humble ingredient has surged in popularity in recent years after becoming a symbol of overspending and can be used in many different ways to create a healthy, yet tasty dish. The fruit gained notoriety after Australian billionaire and … Read more

Avocado warning issued as shoppers briefed for issue at supermarkets

Avocado warning issued as shoppers briefed for issue at supermarkets

Supermarket shoppers are being warned about a possible future shortage of avocados due to the impact of climate change. The best growing regions for the popular superfood include Spain, South Africa, Peru, Chile, Burundi and Mexico, but these areas are seeing a decline in growth due to volatile weather conditions. Avocados rely on a lot … Read more

How to keep avocados ripe ‘for twice as long’ with easy 4-step method

How to keep avocados ripe ‘for twice as long’ with easy 4-step method

Avocados make a nutritious and creamy addition to breakfast, but many people store them incorrectly, which can soon diminish their quality. Knowing how to store them properly can extend their shelf life by twice as long, according to one expert. This straightforward technique harnesses scientific principles to keep the inside of the avocado fresh for … Read more

Avocados stay fresh 7 days longer if you keep them away from 1 place

Avocados stay fresh 7 days longer if you keep them away from 1 place

Avocados are a healthy breakfast staple due to how tasty and creamy they are, but the way most people store them is not only wrong but can be dangerous.  It is a popular hack online to keep sliced avocados fresh by storing them in water, but this is a health risk as avocados naturally carry … Read more

Avocados stay fresh 7 days longer when placed in ‘magic’ storage spot in the ktichen

Avocados stay fresh 7 days longer when placed in ‘magic’ storage spot in the ktichen

Avocados are a versatile item to have in the kitchen as they can be eaten as a trendy breakfast, blended into a smoothie or even used to make into a guacamole dip for nachos.  However, many people are put off eating this creamy green fruit as it can be tricky to keep fresh, and there … Read more

Avocados stay fresh for 7 days longer is stored with one unusual kitch

Avocados stay fresh for 7 days longer is stored with one unusual kitch

Mashed avocado on a slice of toast is a delicious way to start the day, but it can be annoying to buy this fruit cheap in summer only to discover it has spoiled days after being bought. Avocados have a high fat content which is why the fruit tastes so creamy, but when these fats … Read more

How to keep avocados fresh: Use simple method when fruit is already cut open

How to keep avocados fresh: Use simple method when fruit is already cut open

Avocados are a versatile fruit that goes well as part of many breakfast dishes, salads, or as a complement to a variety of mains. But to enjoy your avocados’ fresh taste and vibrant colour, it’s essential to know how to store them properly before they start browning. Several effective methods can help prolong the freshness … Read more

How to store avocados properly to stop it from going hard or brown

How to store avocados properly to stop it from going hard or brown

Avocados are a summer staple and are the perfect addition to any breakfast, but there is nothing worse than slicing into the fruit to discover it has become brown and spoiled.  It can be frustrating to waste money and food but it turns out many people have been storing their avocados wrong as they should … Read more

The best ways to prevent your cut avocado from turning brown

The best ways to prevent your cut avocado from turning brown

Planning to eat half the avo now and the other half tomorrow? While there are numerous hacks to keep cut avocados fresh, some of these tips and tricks can make you seriously ill. Avocados are packed with fibre and potassium, and are a plant-based source of healthy fats. They’re a wildly popular South African fruit, … Read more