The King Tut–Inspired Gemstones Even Museums Can’t Afford

Though it’s not always considered high art (unfairly relegated, like fashion, to a lower rung), the demand is almost equally high for Egyptian Revival pieces. To land a Van Cleef & Arpels pictorial bracelet, a flat bracelet designed between 1923 and 1925 with sphinxes, scarabs, and lotus flowers, for example, Zapata said “a million dollars … Read more

5 Amazing Stories About Ancient Egypt That Deserve to be Movies

We’ve seen stories of ancient Egypt on-screen before—the biblical tale The Prince of Egypt, the extremely long Cleopatra, and the Mummy trilogy, as well as that one episode of Futurama on the possibility of ancient aliens. But have we mined all the stories of ancient Egypt, which spanned thousands of years and several cultural milestones … Read more