‘Give us $600 and also we hate you’: WestJet’s new UltraBasic fare gets roasted online

If there’s anything people can agree on these days, it’s that flying sucks. And between the delays and cancellations, extreme turbulence, and jets literally falling apart in the sky, it seems that some people have had about enough of flying experiences getting ostensibly worse instead of better. Which may partially explain the online roasting of WestJet’s new UltraBasic fare, where … Read more

Got thoughts on flying in Canada? The Competition Bureau wants to hear from you

The federal Competition Bureau says it’s going to look the domestic air travel industry in Canada, and it’s looking for input from Canadians as it prepares to study the market in the coming months. The agency, which is tasked with enforcing competition law in Canada, said in a press release listing the reasons for its study that … Read more