Air fryer roast potatoes will cook perfectly with chef’s tip

Roast potato recipes are easy to come by but few offer a short cooking time without compromising on flavour. With the help of an air fryer, however, it’s easy to strike a perfect balance of both and get crispy results. Sharing his recipe exclusively with, Philips’ Airfyer chef Martin Senders revealed the foolproof method he … Read more

Simple air fryer recipe for roast potatoes ‘full of flavour’

Roast potato recipes can be found in abundance in cookbooks and online, but often the results come down to technique rather than ingredients. Fortunately, a food expert has the perfect remedy to avoid serving spoiled roasties alongside a carefully cooked joint of roast beef or pork this weekend. Sharing his recipe exclusively with, Matt Webster, … Read more

Easy air fryer eggs brunch is full of ‘heart-helping’ ingredients

Comfort food doesn’t have to be unhealthy, in fact, with an air fryer there’s so much that can be made to satisfy cravings. And this tomato, eggs brunch dish is perfect for those seeking a protein-packed meal with lots of flavour. Sharing the recipe with, Philips Airfryer chef Martin Senders said: “Heart-helping avocado is … Read more

Air fryer method to follow for crispy and ‘fluffy’ jacket potatoes

Jacket potatoes can take more than an hour to cook right through in the oven and sometimes aren’t even crispy by the end of it. According to one cooking expert, those looking to get that perfect balance between fluffy and crunchy can turn to their air fryer for some help when cooking spuds. Taking to … Read more