Cooper Union wins feud with Aby Rosen over Chrysler Building — but landmark’s future remains in limbo

Cooper Union wins feud with Aby Rosen over Chrysler Building — but landmark’s future remains in limbo

Cooper Union won its battle with Aby Rosen last week when Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Jennifer Schecter booted Rosen from the Chrysler Building’s leasehold. But short of an unlikely legal reversal, the distinguished educational institution is now on its own in bringing the beloved but troubled skyscraper into the 21st Century. The big question is how … Read more

Real estate titans toast Daniel Boulud’s ‘cathedral to carnivorism’

Real estate titans toast Daniel Boulud’s ‘cathedral to carnivorism’

So many real estate heavyweights turned up at the opening party for Daniel Boulud’s steakhouse La Tete d’Or at One Madison on Thursday, one guest called it “a Fried Frank preview,” referring to the law firm’s annual holiday bash next month. The likes of Aby Rosen (looking cheerfully untroubled by his Chrysler Building travails), Joseph … Read more

Battle at Chrysler Building far from over despite setback for real estate titan

Battle at Chrysler Building far from over despite setback for real estate titan

The Chrysler Building drama is far from over despite a judge’s ruling last week that Aby Rosen must butt out of Cooper Union’s management of the tower and not interfere with its  collection of rents from  tenants (who are technically subtenants due to the ground lease). Judge Jennifer Schecter’s issuance of an injunction sought by Cooper … Read more

Real estate mogul loses eviction battle at Chrysler Building — and is ordered to pay $21M in back rent

Real estate mogul loses eviction battle at Chrysler Building — and is ordered to pay M in back rent

A New York judge on Thursday ordered Chrysler Building tenants to pay their rent to Cooper Union instead of the real estate company that owns the leasehold — and ordered the firm’s mogul Aby Rosen to pay $21 million in back rent to the school. The stinging setback comes after Rosen sued the venerable college, … Read more