Actress Sunny Leone, Himesh Reshammiya and Prabhudeva are collaborating for an upcoming untitled film. The actress is heading to Muscat to shoot the same. The project marks Sunny’s second collaboration with Prabhudeva. She previously collaborated with the ace filmmaker-actor for a song in a movie titled Petta Rap. However, the audience will get to witness Sunny and Himesh Reshammiya share the screen space for the first time!
Sunny Leone, Himesh Reshammiya and Prabhudeva team up for an untitled film
The unique collaboration has left the audience intrigued, and promises to be a treat for Sunny Leone’s fans. It will be interesting to see if Sunny will also get choreographed by Prabhudeva all over again for a track in this film.
Sunny Leone is currently hosting the 15th edition of the popular dating show, Splitsvilla. She also has Kennedy and Quotation Gang to her credit.
Also Read: Sunny Leone reveals how people’s perception changed towards her after Anurag Kashyap signed her for Kennedy; says, “He definitely legitimized me as an actor in a different way”
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