Dark Horse Books and Stan Sakia’s Dogu Publishing have announced their first collaboration, titled Oni Ronin. An epic journey of self-discovery set in the afterlife of Japanese folklore, the story is written by Mack Flavelle and Kohei Naganime, with art by Tatsubi and creative assistance from Maldoror, Manabu Seko, and Keojimal.
So what’s Oni Ronin about?
Set in Japan during the Sengoku or “Warring States” period, Oni Ronin is a tale of cowardice, sacrifice, and redemption. Combining historically accurate characters and locations with mythical kitsune and malevolent demons from Japanese folklore, Oni Ronin is the redemption story of the cowardly Sarobei, a samurai messenger who meets feudal lords, brave warriors, and heroic ghosts on his journey of self-discovery.
You can preorder it now via bookstores, out on November 28, 2023, and it will be available in comic shops on November 29, 2023.
Check out the cover below.
For more on this news, read the official press release below.
MILWAUKIE, Ore., (April 25, 2023)— Presenting one of the first collaborations from Dark Horse Books and Stan Sakai’s Dogu Publishing: Oni Ronin. This is an epic journey of self-discovery set in the afterlife of Japanese folklore, written by Mack Flavelle and Kohei Naganime, with art by Tatsubi, and creative assistance from Maldoror, Manabu Seko, and Keojimal.
Set in Japan during the Sengoku or “Warring States” period, Oni Ronin is a tale of cowardice, sacrifice, and redemption. Combining historically accurate characters and locations with mythical kitsune and malevolent demons from Japanese folklore, Oni Ronin is the redemption story of the cowardly Sarobei, a samurai messenger who meets feudal lords, brave warriors, and heroic ghosts on his journey of self-discovery.
The Oni Ronin trade paperback will arrive in bookstores November 28, 2023 and in comic shops November 29, 2023. The 120-page graphic novel is available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and at your local comic book shop and bookstore, and will retail for $14.99.
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