The spiritual leader, who arrived at Donyi Polo Airport in Hollongi via chartered flight, faced opposition from members of All Arunachal Pradesh Students Union (AAPSU), who were protesting outside the airport. The Jagadguru is travelling to various parts of the northeastern states to seek a ban on cow slaughter.
The Papum Pare district administration spoke with the Jagadguru and his entourage and convinced them to return due to the sensitive nature of his visit.
The Nagaland government has decided not to allow rallies banning cow slaughter in the state. In Meghalaya, there is resentment against a proposed rally.
AAPSU representatives voiced their concerns to the media, stating, “Sending back the spiritual leader may send a negative message to the nation… We are not against any religion, institution, or individual. But this cow protection rally is against the sentiments of Arunachalis.”
AAPSU general secretary Ritum Tali said: “Here, we tribals also sacrifice cows when somebody falls sick, thereby using the cow for protection.”