After meeting West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose, BJP delegation expressed concerns about Sandeshkhali violence incident and said that the party would move to court to seek permission to go to Sandeshkhali. “We gave all to the information Governor and he is also saddened by this incident. We will take permission from the court and we will go to Sandeshkhali,” said Annapurna Devi.“The injustice that has happened, our Union ministers were heckled today, and the media was not allowed to visit there. We have complained about all this to the (Governor)…,” said Agnimitra Paul. “We will take permission from the court and we will go there (Sandeshkhali). We will prepare our report and then submit it to the national president (JP Nadda) …,” said Sunita Duggal. A 6-member BJP delegation constituted by party national president, JP Nadda, to visit Sandeshkhali was stopped by police in West Bengal on February 16.
Sandeshkhali violence: Will take permission from court to visit, says BJP delegation after meeting WB Governor – The Economic Times Video
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