Yeh Risha Kya Kehlata Hai took a leap last month. Pranali Rathod, Harshad Chopda quit the show alongside a few others as the show took a generational leap. Pranali and Harshad have been replaced by Samridhii Shukla, Shehzada Dhami in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Samridhii plays Akshara’s daughter Abhira in the show while Shehzada plays Armaan, the elder son of the Poddar family. Samridhii has shared her experience of meeting Pranali Rathod. Here’s what she has to say…
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Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Samridhii Shukla recalls her first meeting with Pranali Rathod
Samridhii Shukla aka Abhira of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai revealed that Pranali Rathod did not delve into the topic of the show. The actress said that it is a sensitive topic after having lived a particular character for such a long time. Samridhii admits that leaving a show is heartbreaking for whatever reason. Hence, Samridhii was being very considerate towards her and repeatedly asked her if she was doing okay. When asked what they were talking about, the actress shared that she spoke about various things. She loved Pranali Rathod’s vibe. “She’s a sweet girl, and meeting her was a positive experience. She surpassed my expectations, and I genuinely like her,” she told IWMBuzz.
Watch this video of Pranali Rathod here:
Samridhii Shukla is paired opposite Shehzada Dhami on screen in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.
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