Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu delighted fans by sharing a glimpse of her serene meditation session on social media. Samantha took to her Instagram post to drop a series of pictures from her visit to Sadhguru’s Isha Foundation. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “So many of us search for a Guru or mentor. When you find one with the intensity, perception, and compassion to light up your life, it is a rare privilege.” She added, “If you want a piece of wisdom, you have to search in the world. Because everyday things are being thrown at you, it’s become easy. You’re thinking… You’re thinking this is normal. This is not normal. You must work hard for it. And just knowing is not enough. Implementation of this knowledge is what truly matters.” Samantha Ruth Prabhu Resumes Work After Year-Long Battle with Myositis; Launches Health Podcast.
In one of the pictures, Samantha is seen meditating on the ground alongside many other devotees, with Sadhguru present. Dressed in a simple black kurta set with minimal accessories, she looked ethereal. On the work front, Samantha is preparing for Citadel: Honey Bunny alongside Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan. This upcoming web series is an Indian adaptation of the Russo brothers’ Citadel, which originally featured Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. Samantha Ruth Prabhu Shares Adorable Work Out Video and Serves Monday Motivation With Her Cat Gelato (View Pics).
View Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Post:
Apart from this, Samantha will star in Bangaram, a film she announced on her birthday this year. This project is especially significant for her as it marks her debut as a producer.