Salman Khan recently shared the poster of ‘Angry Young Men’, a docu-series which features Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan. Scroll down to read more.
Salman Khan took to his Instagram account on Saturday to share the poster of Angry Young Men, a docuseries about the iconic writer duo Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar. The actor also revealed through his post that the series will be released on the OTT giant Amazon Prime Video on August 20, 2024. The docuseries is divided into three parts, and the narrative revolves around how Salim-Javed changed Hindi cinema in the 1970s with their powerful scripts.
Photo Gallery: Salman Khan And Shah Rukh Khan Spotted at The Mumbai Airport
The docuseries delves into the lives and careers of Javed and Salim, offering intimate insights from them and their industry peers. It explores how their iconic films like Sholay, Deewaar, and Don resonated with an entire generation, leaving an enduring cultural mark. The series promises an authentic portrayal of their journey, creative process, and lasting legacy.
Take a Look Here:
The docuseries features prominent figures from Indian cinema and is presented in the voices of Salim and Javed. Furthermore, the series is produced by Salman Khan Films, Excel Media & Entertainment, and Tiger Baby. Namrata Rao made her directorial debut with this series. Angry Young Men is executive produced by Salma Khan, Salman Khan, Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, and Reema Kagti.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan, as quoted by Amazon, said, “Growing up, seeing my father and Javed Sahab work together on films was nothing short of magical. Their love for cinema redefined heroism for an entire generation, leaving behind a legacy of cult classics. Personally, I would love to see them working together in the future. I hope the fans and viewers will agree.”
He further added, “Whether it’s time, destiny, or professional choices that bring them together, their partnership always brings out the best. Angry Young Men is a tribute to their creative brilliance and the profound impact they’ve had on Indian cinema. This series is close to both families. I hope this marks a new chapter for our dads, the angry young men, who are now older.”