Anupamaa, the show starring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna, has introduced many new faces recently. From Vaquar Shaikh to Sukriti Kandpal to Aurra Bhatnagar, all the newcomers have received immense love. Similarly, when Sagar Parekh’s character Samar died in the show, Kunwar Amar entered and received widespread appreciation for his role as Titu. Before Anupamaa, Kunwar, who is also a celebrated dancer, was away from the limelight. He openly states that there was a dearth of good work until Anupamaa happened. Now, the actor recently revealed that he went through a recent breakup, which jolted him so much that he has been single for the past 2 to 3 years.
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Kunwar Amar reveals his longtime GF broke up with him for THIS shocking reason
In an interview with E Times, Kunwar Amar shed light on how his financial condition took a hit during the pandemic. He stated, ‘When the entire world is affected by COVID, you are no exception.’ He mentioned that he was in a relationship with a girl for many years, always thinking she would be with him whether the days were good or bad. However, when the breakup happened solely because his financial situation was not great at the time, it jolted Kunwar. He mentioned that he had always heard stories of how people leave you when you are going through a bad time, but when the same thing happened to him, it shook him to the core. He stated that he rarely cried, but this particular incident left him emotionally shattered, with days of inconsolable tears.
Kunwar states he stayed with his present for some time and eventually realized that the person has moved on and will never come back. Slowly, he started picking himself up, focused on his work, and things certainly changed for the good when Anupamaa happened. Kunwar stated that after Anupamaa, many people wanted to connect with him, but he now knows his value and worth and has maintained a safe distance from people who he knows want to connect with him just because of his newfound fame.
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