Anupamaa star Rupali Ganguly has been mired in controversies in the past few weeks. After making news of her alleged rift with her co-stars, the actress again grabs headlines due to severe allegations from her stepdaughter, Esha Verma. Esha, the daughter of Rupali’s husband Ashwin K Verma from his previous marriage, has accused the actress of physical and mental abuse. While Rupali has yet to comment on the allegations, she has posted a cryptic note about love and positivity on social media.
Rupali Ganguly Posts about ‘Love and Positivity’ on Instagram Amid Abuse Allegations by Step-Daughter
Rupali seemed unaffected by the controversy, taking to her Instagram stories to post videos of her happily dancing on the sets of Anupamaa. The 47-year-old actress shared two clips from the sets on her Instagram stories on Wednesday.
In one of the videos, she is seen playing Dandiya with her co-stars. “Love, laughter and positivity always,” she captioned the video. In the second footage, she giggles, laughs, and has fun while shooting. “Blessed to be surrounded by love and smiles,” the actress wrote with the clip.
Esha Verma’s Accusations on Rupali Ganguly
Rupali Ganguly married businessman Ashwin K Verma in 2012. Ashwin had been married twice earlier and had the daughter Esha from his second marriage. Esha first called out Rupali in a social media post in 2020, claiming that she had an affair with Ashwin for 12 years while he was still married to her mother.
She also alleged that Rupali kept her father away from her and ruined her family’s life. After the post resurfaced online, Esha, 26, made fresh allegations about the actress. “Rupali was the one who came to my house in New Jersey and slept on my mother’s bed—the bed my father and mother shared. She has done so much, physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally, abusing me and my mom,” she said in an interview with Bollywood Bubble.
While Rupali has not reacted to the accusations, Ashwin came out in her support, “My relationship with my second wife had multiple challenges that led to our separation—challenges that were between her and me, and that had nothing to do with any other person,” he wrote on Instagram after Esha’s post went viral.
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