Rajan Shahi produced TV show, Anupamaa, is one of the leading daily soaps in the country. The show stars Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, Aurra Bhatnagar and more celebs on the show. There is Anupamaa, the Shahs, the Kapadias and the recent joinees are Shruti and the Spice and Chutney gang. Rupali and Aurra’s new video is going viral. In the latest video, the leading lady is seen praising the youngest lot from the show.
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Anupamaa: Rupali Ganguly heaps praises on Aurra Bhatnagar and others
While talking to an entertainment news portal, Rupali Ganguly was seen talking about how well the young cast members of the show. While talking to the online channel, Rupali called Aurra Bhatnagar a ‘pyara bachha.’ When asked if Aurra is mischievous on set, pat comes Rupali’s reply ‘bilkul nahi.’ Rupali says that Aurra doesn’t do any masti and is very efficient in her work. She then says that four other kids on set keep doing masti.
The four kids are on the show, Pahal Chaudhary, Princy Prajapati, Aadhya Barot and Trishaan Shah. The latter was seen passing by and Rupali called out to him asking him to join them. Trishaan was seen admiring Rupali while she was talking. Rupali asked him about the rest of the chillar party gang and praised their acting chops, saying at their age they couldn’t even say poetry properly, here the little kids are not just saying the dialogues but also performing scenes. She also talked about Aurra starting her journey young. The video was shared by an X user.
Watch the video here:
#Anupamaa uses Shruti ki excuse to enter house as Aadhya told her to leave , and she only agreed for that?? Shruti ki khaana banana etc https://t.co/5NBULh7WtV
— Jay78 (@MaAnlover90) April 27, 2024
Watch this video of Rupali Ganguly here:
Anupamaa serial upcoming twists
In the upcoming episode of show, we will see Anu going to live with Aadhya, Anuj (Gaurav Khanna) and Shruti (Sukirti Kandpal). The latter is bedridden and hence, Anuj seeks out Anupamaa‘s help. Aadhya won’t be happy with the same but will still agree to let Anu live in the house for Shruti.
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