One frustrated Reddit user asked: “How do you keep raspberries from spoiling? They seem to get fuzzy the minute I take them home.
“I bought some the other day and there was a layer of white fuzz on the bottom the first time I opened them. Is there a trick to this? How do I buy and preserve these?”
A member of the Reddit community replied: “I soak mine in vinegar and water, then let dry on the counter until most of the excess wetness is gone.”
Once dry, it’s recommended to store the raspberries in a regular mason jar, which has a small paper towel at the bottom of it, and then place in the fridge.
“We eat a lot of berries in general, but they last a week or more [storing them this way],” the Reddit community member continued.
“The key is to throw away or eat any that are already mushy or starting to go off before putting them in the fridge.” The contributor elaborated: “One bad berry can ruin the whole jar.”
Not only is this meant to work with storing raspberries, the same method is meant to prolong the longevity of blackberries, blueberries and chopped strawberries.
Another Reddit user queried if the vinegar affects the taste, to which the answer came: “Not at all. Usually the vinegar is diluted by water. Like a three to one ratio of water to vinegar.”
Somebody else chimed in: “I second all of this! We use the glass Pyrex Tupperware and that works like a champion, too.”
Community members also pointed out that, sometimes, the fruit can be going bad while still in the store.
That’s why it’s important to “look carefully” before spending your money on raspberries, or any berries for that matter.
One member posted: “This is good advice too. I can’t count how many times I’ve been burned by not checking over packaged produce at the store before bringing it home. You’d think I would have learned by now.”
Others suggested to freeze the raspberries as they “taste good when they’re cold” and they will last much longer.