Vanderpump Rules began in 2013 as a spin-off reality series to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, focusing on Lisa Vanderpump’s Hollywood restaurant, SUR. The show featured the personal and professional lives of servers, bartenders, and aspiring actors, blending their work dynamics with the drama of their relationships, which quickly drew in a dedicated fanbase. The show skyrocketed to global fame last season with the explosive #Scandoval drama. While Ariana Madix turned heartbreak into paydays with endorsements, she, Lisa, and Lala Kent even attended the White House Correspondents Dinner last year, resulting in global attention on the series.
The younger viewers of Vanderpump Rules resonated with the show by watching Jax Taylor, Tom Sandoval, Katie Maloney, Scheana Shay, Stassi Schroeder, and others navigate their messy, less-than-chic lives in LA. Although the cast of the reality show was as outrageous as The Housewives, the group felt more relatable to a younger audience. Over the years, the series evolved tremendously as these reality stars transitioned from their days at SUR to becoming successful business owners, podcasters, media producers, and entertainers. Let’s take a memory down the lane and check out every season of Vanderpump Rules.
Season 11 (#Scandoval Fallout)
In the third episode of season 11 of Vanderpump Rules, tensions flared when Tom Sandoval lashed out at Lisa Vanderpump when she advised him to humble himself and accept accountability following Scandoval. Meanwhile, Tom’s assistant, Ann, awkwardly navigated the strained dynamic between Tom and Ariana, who continued to share their home post-breakup. On the other hand, the friend group remained divided, with Tom’s side looking increasingly isolated, filled with employees and “yes men” rather than actual friends. Despite strong resistance from others, Schwartz and Lisa conspire to reintegrate Tom into the group. This season, a memorable moment unfolds in the SUR alley, where Scheana confronts Tom, labeling him a narcissist. The show’s viewers can anticipate more drama involving new cast members, including Tori Keeth. Sandoval’s refusal to accept the consequences or boundaries frustrates them, especially in his hollow apology to Lisa.
Season 5 (A Woodsy Wedding)
Season 5 of Vanderpump Rules featured Lala and DJ James Kennedy facing backlash for body-shaming other cast members. The show also highlighted the breakdown of Scheana’s marriage to Mike Shay, whose unemployment and pull addiction strained their relationship. Schwartz and Katie’s woodsy wedding nearly gets derailed by rumors of Schwartz’s infidelity. Meanwhile, the typically vibrant Gay Pride celebration is somber this year, overshadowed by the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Ultimately, Lala exits the show after feeling isolated due to her secret relationship. The season’s Pumptini moment was the unexpected friendship between Jax and James, as their comedic banter during the reunion surprises everyone. Also, the Vegas Hangover featured endless couple arguments, particularly during the dramatic joint bachelor/bachelorette trip to New Orleans.
Season 8 (Honey We’re Home In The Valley)
Vanderpump Rules season 8 saw Ariana and Tom, Katie and Schwartz, and Brittany and Jax moving into the same Valley neighborhood. While Tom and Jax feud, the Witches of WeHo’s friendship crumbles. The new cast members, including Dayna Kathan, Max Boyens, and Charli Burnett, join the show, and James pursues sobriety but faces an ultimatum from Rachel. The season they are also featured Stassi getting engaged and Jax and Brittany marrying. Season 8 ends with a significant cast shake-up as Stassi, Kristen, Jax, Max, Brittany, and Brett all exit due to their controversies, while Charli struggles to fit in with the remaining cast.
Season 9 (New Bar, Old Problems)
Vanderpump Rules season 9 highlighted the beginnings of Schwartz & Sandy’s new bar by the Toms and the strain it adds to Katie and Schwartz’s marriage. While Katie and Ariana start planning their sandwich shop, Something About Her, Sandoval helps James plan a grand Coachella-themed proposal for Rachel. However, Brock tries to overshadow Tom’s proposal with his proposal to Scheana. Meanwhile, James’ sobriety journey is termed “California sober.” The season ends with James and Rachel’s emotional breakup, revealed during the reunion. Heartbroken, Lala exposes Randall’s cheating and his involvement in the MeToo scandal. The season Pumptini is the demise of the Pickleball fad, while the Vegas Handover is the raw end of James and Rachel’s relationship.
Season 3 (Has Anyone Seen Stassi)
In season 3 of Vanderpump Rules, Stassi ghosted Jax, foreshadowing Ariana’s similar behavior in season 11. James and Kristen’s tumultuous relationship gets much attention in the season, and James’ sharp humor brightens the confessional scenes. Meanwhile, Scheana’s wedding to Mike Shay is featured, and Stassi’s demands are brushed aside. This season’s Pumptini moment is Kristen exposing Sandoval in the Miami girl scandal.
Season 4 (Give Them Lala!)
In season 4 of Vanderpump Rules, Lala debuted at SUR as a host. However, she abandons her shift for a private jet party to Italy and lies about her whereabouts to Lisa. Meanwhile, James and Kristen’s relationship deteriorates as James pursues Lala, concluding their chapter. Lala and James start music collaborations while Lala keeps him at a distance. On the other hand, Stassi returns from New York and tries to reintegrate into the group. The Hawaii trip is notable for Jax’s arrest for stealing sunglasses, which complicates the group’s dynamics. The Pumptini moment is Tom Schwartz’s sweet proposal to Katie.
Season 7 (It’s All About Beau)
In season 7 of Vanderpump Rules, Beau’s wholesome nature balances Stassi’s emotional struggles. Jax and Brittany’s engagement is a sweet highlight of the season despite Jax’s past. The Toms became co-owners of Lisa’s new restaurant, Tom Tom. Meanwhile, James continues to burn bridges as he refuses to accept his drinking problems. Stassi and Ariana’s joint birthday is a standout event, and Crazy Kristen returns during a wine-country trip. While Rachel clashes with Lala, the latter faces criticism for not fully revealing her relationship with Randall. The Pumptini is the opening of Tom Tom, showcasing Tom’s controlling nature.
Season 6 (Rawt In Hell Jax!)
In Season 6 of Vanderpump Rules, Scheana introduces her new boyfriend, Rob Parks-Valleta, after her divorce from Mike Shay. On the other hand, a rumor about Jax cheating on Brittany surfaces at Scheana’s Masquerade-themed birthday party. After a brief departure, Lala returns, and the season featured the crossover episodes leading to Summer House and James’ DJ night, See You Next Tuesday. The Pumptini is Stassi ending her relationship with Patrick Meagher after his awkward advance on Lisa Vanderpump.
Season 2 (A Tattoo Too Far)
In season 2 of Vanderpump Rules, Lisa Vanderpump sets up crossover moments with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills featuring Kyle Richards and Brandi Glanville. Meanwhile, Scheana’s past as the homewrecker and her ongoing romance is central to the season. Jax tries to win Stassi back by tattooing her signature; however, her investigation reveals Kristen’s betrayal, which leads to a dramatic slap. The finale of the season featured Sandoval punching Jax. The Pumptini moment is Stassi exposing Sandoval’s lie about hooking up with Ariana by manipulating Jax.
Season 10 (The Scandoval Of It All)
In season 10 of Vanderpump Rules, the show is dominated by #scandoval, where Sandoval’s affair with Rachel devastates the cast and fans alike. His betrayal of Ariana’s trust and the ensuing fallout overshadow Tom Schwartz and Katie’s divorce. Rachel’s humorous remarks, like her comment on having “no home left wreck” and her sharp response to Lala, added a lighter touch before her affair is revealed. Meanwhile, James’ new girlfriend, Ally Lewber, joins the cast, and the Pumptini moment of the season is Katie’s defiant presence at Scheana’s wedding from the balcony after their fallout.
Season 1 (Where It All Started)
Season 1 of Vanderpump Rules is unforgettable. It marked Scheana and Stassi’s dramatic feud, with the former cast as the homewrecker and Stassi as the queen bee. Stassi’s tumultuous relationship with Jax was the focal point, with their trip to Las Vegas revealing Stassi’s darker side. They introduced Scheana’s brunette Britney vocal style during the season and the sexy SUR photo shoot tradition. The Pumptini is Stassi drinking Jax’s expensive Cristal in revenge after learning of his Las Vegas rumor.
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