Amid the row over his comments, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde shared the dais with the religious leader during an event in Nashik district on Friday, and called him a “saint”, while minister Girish Mahajan and former Ahmednagar MP Sujay Vikhe Patil touched his feet on stage. Speaking at the function, Ramgiri Maharaj, the mahant of Sarla Bet Dham in Shrirampur taluka of Ahmednagar district, defended his controversial remarks, saying that they were in response to the atrocities being committed against Hindus in Bangladesh, and that his objective was to unite members of the Hindu community.
Speaking to Marathi news channel ABP Majha on the controversy surrounding his statement earlier in the day, he said, “Hindus should remain alert. I have spoken what I wanted to. I am firm on it and I am ready to face its consequences.” All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leader Imtiaz Jaleel claimed that Ramgiri Maharaj’s comments were part of a political conspiracy and demanded strong action against him. Police registered cases against Ramgiri Maharaj at Yeola in Nashik and Vaijapur in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar districts.
The FIR in Vaijapur was filed under section 302 (uttering words with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings of any person) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) based on a complaint lodged by a local resident, the police said. The complainant in the case, Rafehasan Ali Khan, said he came to know about the video of Ramgiri Maharaj in which he was heard saying, among other things, that one crore Muslims have abandoned Islam and also passed a comment against Prophet Mohammad.
“These words by Ramgiri Maharaj have hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims and created a rift between the two communities,” the complainant said. Tension prevailed for some time on Friday afternoon in part of Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar city after a group of Muslims gathered outside the City Chowk police station to demand action against Ramgiri Maharaj. Jaleel wrote a letter to the city police commissioner to seek action against the Hindu religious leader. The statements were made deliberately to malign the image of the Muslim community, he alleged.
“This is done to foment communal riots. So strict action should be taken against him,” he said. Meanwhile, while sharing the stage with Ramgiri Maharaj, Shinde said, “As many as 25 lakh people visited Pandharpur on Ashadhi Ekadashi this year. The ‘warkari’ community creates public awareness through sermons. As a result, many people have overcome their grief. Saints like Ramgiri Maharaj carry out the work of giving direction to people.” Speaking on the occasion, Ramgiri Maharaj said, “Though the Hindu community is tolerant, the community should remain alert. Therefore, I made the statement in reaction to the atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh. The only motive was that Hindus should unite. Now, I will face whatever may come. If a case has been filed, I will see whenever I get a notice.”