International global star Priyanka Chopra who is currently in the US, shared her thoughts through a video message at the finale of the 71st Miss World event in Mumbai. The diva spoke about her parents and her growing-up years and the time she was crowned Miss World. PeeCee even congratulated and praised Nita Ambani on receiving the Miss World Humanitarian Award. For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp.
Priyanka in her message said that purpose is a word that has always held a lot of meaning for her. She said that she watched her mom Dr Madhu Chopra and her dad not only carry out their duties as doctors in the Indian Army, but also use their knowledge, position, talents to help those in need.
Priyanka spoke about Miss World Organization CEO Julia Morley and said that she was introduced to the idea of beauty with purpose, an initiative by Mrs Morley. She even said that Mrs Morley who reminded her that the title of Miss World wasn’t just about looking good, it was about using the platform to challenge our inner duty.
Watch Priyanka Chopra’s video
Priyanka praises Nita Ambani
Priyanka said that she had the honor and privilege of knowing the phenomenal Mrs Nita Ambani for a few years now. She even said that she admires and respects Nita for everything she does. She even said that she witnessed first-hand her passion, commitment, and eye for detail in everything she does. Priyanka said that Nita Ma’am epitomises exactly what Mrs Morley tried to instil. She even said that Nita Ma’am’s profound impact through her various endeavours. PeeCee called Nita Ambani a respectable educationist, philanthropist, businesswoman, staunch advocate and protector of the arts of India.
She even appreciated Nita Ambani and said that she wears all of these hats and more with a warm smile and so much compassion. Priyanka said that Nita’s journey is the embodiment of the ethos of beauty with purpose. She further added that this evening as they honour Nita ma’am, let not just celebrate her accomplishments but also the joy, empowerment and growth she has brought to so many lives.
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