Acclaimed actor Boman Irani has finally announced his long-awaited directorial debut, The Mehta Boys. Having dedicated considerable time to this passion project, the actor has directed and penned the screenplay alongside Oscar-winning writer Alex Dinelaris. Shortly after the movie’s announcement, Pan India Star Prithviraj Sukumaran supported Boman Irani’s debut by posting a story on social media. It’s heartening to see artists like Sukumaran rallying behind Boman Irani as he ventures into this new chapter of his career.
Prithviraj Sukumaran calls Boman Irani’s directorial debut The Mehta Boys “Deeply evocative”: “Cannot wait to see”
Sukumaran shared, “I had the privilege of reading the script. Deeply evocative! Cannot wait to see @boman_irani’s vision for the same.” To which the actor responded, “Brother, you’ll be the first to experience it. Can’t wait to share. Touched by your post.” It’s heartening to witness two artists supporting each other in their crafts, reflecting a special bond that transcends their respective fields.
The Mehta Boys delves into the intricate dynamics of a father-son relationship, unfolding over a tense 48-hour period. With its promising teaser, the film offers a glimpse into Boman’s masterful portrayal of characters, capturing their essence with precision. As a seasoned storyteller, Boman has showcased his talent for crafting compelling narratives, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating the release of this project.
The eagerly awaited The Mehta Boys is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video as part of its exciting lineup of shows and movies for the upcoming year. Among the highly anticipated titles in the lineup are Citadel Honey Bunny, Call Me Bae, Matka King, and Ashwatthama, promising viewers a diverse range of captivating stories and experiences.
Also Read: The Goat Life: Prithviraj Sukumaran on survival drama Aadujeevitham: “I’m 41 years old and I have been associated with this film for 16 years”
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